The Evidence-Based Efficacy of Sucraid®

In a 10-day clinical study of 26 pediatric patients definitively diagnosed with CSID and taking Sucraid® with each meal, 81% of the study population were asymptomatic. Asymptomatic was defined as having no GI symptoms for 7 of the 10 study days.1

1.Treem WR, McAdams L, Standford L, Kastoff G, Justinich C, Hyams J. Sacrosidase therapy for congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1999;28(2):137-42. doi:10.1097/00005176-199902000-00008

Sucraid® is a Specialty Pharmacy Therapy

Optum® Frontier Therapies is the specialty pharmacy for Sucraid®. A Sucraid® prescription form, available at Prescription Form, can be faxed to Optum Frontier Therapies at 1-866-850-9155, or you can contact Optum Frontier Therapies at 1-833-800-0122.

How is Sucraid® Dispensed?

For patients weighing 33 lb (15 kg) or less, Sucraid® is provided in 118-mL bottles for 1-mL doses. For patients weighing more than 33 lb (15 kg), Sucraid® is available in 2-mL dose, single-use containers. These containers, which are stable at room temperature (59°F-77°F [15°C-25°C]) for up to 3 days, allow patients the convenience of carrying Sucraid® outside their home without the need for refrigeration.