Bay’s Kitchen produce Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Low FODMAP (IBS Friendly), convenient, great tasting foods, many of which are vegan approved. Our founder, Bay Burdett, was diagnosed with IBS in 2015, after years of suffering IBS symptoms and was advised to follow a Low FODMAP Diet. The low FODMAP Diet requires you to eliminate foods high in FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols – or to put it more simply short-chained carbohydrates and sugar alcohols), which can be naturally found in foods as well as in additives.
Bay soon realized there were few convenient, good tasting Low FODMAP foods available in the UK and having found out that now nearly 15-20% of the world population are diagnosed with IBS (and 1 in 3 suffer with IBS type symptoms), she knew she couldn’t be the only one looking for the foods which don’t contain hard-to-digest ingredients, such as onion and garlic. And so, Bay’s Kitchen was born!
The range has started with stir-in sauces and we are now expanding it with condiments, chutneys, gravies, concentrated stocks and soups! We focus on taste of the products, so the whole family can enjoy meals together, regardless of whether someone suffers with IBS, dairy intolerance or coeliac disease.