Advances and Updates in the Dietary and Nutritional Management of Metabolic Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD)
Dr. Maitreyi Raman
MASLD (Metabolic Associated Steatotic Liver Disease) is the leading cause of chronic liver diseases in North America and is positioned to be the primary indication for liver transplantation in the next 5-10 years. Major risk factors include metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, obesity, visceral adiposity and diminished physical activity, among others. Despite trials that consistently demonstrate significant improvement in MASLD related fibrosis, steatohepatitis and steatosis with 5% or greater weight loss, achieving this and its maintenance is elusive for many. In this presentation we will address the biology of obesity, the challenges with durable weight loss and maintenance, revised approaches to the dietary management of MASLD, and propose novel dietary and nutrition focused solutions for successful treatment.
This webinar (both live and recorded) has been approved for 1 CPEU point. If a CEU certificate is needed, please complete this CDR Critical Thinking Self-Study Evaluation Tool and email a copy of the completed tool to GI Institute ( with the subject line “Self-Study Evaluation Tool”. By using this subject line, you will receive your CPE Certificate of Completion.
Optimizing Inflammatory Bowel Disease Wellness: Harnessing the Power of the Mediterranean Diet for Gut Health
Natasha Haskey PhD, RD
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract which significantly affects quality of life. While there is no cure, dietary strategies, particularly the Mediterranean Diet, have emerged as powerful tools to help manage IBD. Patients adopting this diet may experience fewer flare-ups, improved gut microbiome, reduced inflammation, and overall enhanced well-being.
Successfully implementing the Mediterranean Diet in IBD management requires a personalized approach, tailored to individual dietary needs and tolerances, especially during flare-ups. Collaborating with healthcare professionals ensures the diet is optimized for each patient. With proper guidance, the Mediterranean Diet can serve as a key element of IBD wellness, offering a sustainable path to improved gut health.
This presentation will highlight both the scientific evidence and practical tools that healthcare professionals can apply in their clinical practice.
This webinar (Both live and recorded) has been approved for 1.5 CPEU points! If a CEU certificate is needed, please complete this CDR Critical Thinking Self-Study Evaluation Tool and email a copy of the completed tool to GI Institute ( with the subject line “Optimizing IBD Wellness Self-Study Evaluation Tool”. By using this subject line, you will receive your CPE Certificate of Completion.
The Science and Implementation of the Low FODMAP Diet
Kristen M Roberts, PhD, RDN, LD, CNSC, FASPEN, FAND & Ijmeet Maan, Dietitian (APD)
The low FODMAP diet is gaining recognition among consumers, and there are opportunities to communicate the scientific basis, specific intention, and appropriate implementation of the diet to ensure it achieves the clinical goal. In this webinar, the etiology, diagnosis (focus on Rome IV criteria), and symptomology related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were covered. In addition, the specific action of lactose, excess fructose, GOS, fructans, and polyols and their contributions to GI symptoms were reviewed. Participants also benefited from a review of considerations for future research trials in humans. The webinar included a review of the specifics of the low FODMAP diet for IBS, including the practicalities of implementation from a dietitian’s perspective. The program delved into the 3 phases of the diet, helpful hints for success, grocery shopping tips, and particular nutrients that may be of concern with long-term implementation.
If a CEU certificate is needed, please visit the link to complete the survey.
Diet – Microbiota Connections to Health
Associate Professor Dr. Hannah Holscher
The presentation will focus on how diet affects the human gut microbiome and health. Briefly, the presentation content will include a discussion of the complexity of foods and how food science and nutritional characteristics of foods are connected to microbial and health outcomes. The bioavailability of nutrients determines the nutritional attributes of foods. Factors such as temperature, pH, and processing affect the nutritional content of foods and their availability for human metabolism. Intestinal microorganisms can metabolize nutrients that escape digestion by human enzymes. Dietary fiber is a nutrient that escapes digestion and can be metabolized by intestinal microorganisms. Microbial fermentation of fibers results in short-chain fatty acid production. Interestingly, the fat content of foods can also affect the gut microbiota both directly and indirectly through bile acid secretion and the microbial conversion of primary bile acids to secondary bile acids. Microbial-derived metabolites, including short-chain fatty acids and secondary bile acids, are connected to various health outcomes, including gut health, adiposity, and cognition. Research conducted in my laboratory has shown that nuts and avocados, foods rich in fiber and unsaturated fatty acids, affect the human gut microbiota and health.
Barking Up The Wrong Tree With Intractable Constipation: Inaccurate Diagnosis Leads To Imprecise Treatment
Dr Darren Brenner, MD, FACG, AGAF, RFF.
The Complexity of Wheat and GI Symptom Induction in IBS
Professor David Sanders (University of Sheffield)
This webinar takes a deep dive into the role wheat plays in the symptoms of IBS. When one goes on a wheat free or more common, a gluten free diet (GFD), eliminating wheat, as well as rye and barely, gluten is not the only food component that is removed from the diet. Fructans, along with other compounds, also present in wheat, are reduced and thus may be responsible for symptom improvement.
SIBO Research Update
Mark Pimentel, MD, FRCP(C)
Information and misinformation about SIBO abounds online. This webinar presents the latest research into SIBO: its known causes/predisposing factors, evidence-based treatments, newer H2S tests, role of probiotics and common myths. Presented by leading researcher and gastroenterologist, Mark Pimentel MD, FRCP(C), Executive Director at the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) Program, Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California |